Here Are The Details
We wanted to give you some tips and things to expect on the day of the event:
Parking – We would like for everyone to park in the parking lot on the extreme left as you enter the parking lot next to the grassy hill. We do not want to park in the main parking areas to keep the flow of traffic moving easily.
Arrival Time – If you are volunteering, please arrive no later than 7:45 AM. There are many things to prepare before the event can start, so if you can arrive at this time, we are able to help get the event started quicker.
Clothing – You are going to want to be aware of the weather for this particular Saturday morning and bring appropriate clothing. Be thinking of raincoats, gloves in the winter, hats, sunscreen, etc.
Breakfast – We do provide 30 chicken biscuits the morning of the event along with bottled water. Should you want anything else, you will want to bring that with you or eat before you arrive.
Clean Up – Please plan to stay until the end of the event to help clean up after the parking lot food drive. We are almost always cleaned up and leaving no later than 10:30 AM
Grace – We need to provide everyone this day including the people we are serving with lots and lots of grace. Patience can run low at times because of waiting, or running out of food, etc. Remember that this day is to GLORIFY God. Should a situation arise and you need assistance, please find a staff member or leader to help.
We also have several positions we need to fill on this day. They are listed below. Please look over them and be open to serving in a few different areas, based on the needs of the day and your abilities:
Parking Directional Team – These people help direct the traffic to enter and line up in an efficient manner at each event. We generally need 5-7 volunteers for this. You will be stationed at certain points on the property and communicating with the other members of the team via radios to ensure the traffic moves smoothly.
Information Gathering Team – These people walk to each car before the event begins and gathers certain information for Never Alone Food pantry, our ministry partner. This data is required for them to be able to provide future food box needs.
Prayer and Church Invite Team – These people should be outgoing and friendly and be ok with inviting someone to church on Sunday, giving them a physical invite card, and praying briefly over any needs a family may ask for prayer over.
Car Line Monitoring Team – These people help guide the cars once they reach the front of the line and direct them where to pull up to. They also communicate how many families are in a car which helps the other volunteers provide the right amount of food.
Food Loading Team – This team is the people who load the boxes of food into each car as it arrives.
Volunteer Parking
Use this image to help you see where you should park for the the food drive as a volunteer.

2024 Parking Lot Food Drive Dates
Below are the 2024 dates for the parking lot food drive:
January 13th
February 10th
March 9th
April 13th
May 11th
June 8th
July 13th
August 10th
September 14th
October 12th
November 9th
December 14th