Finding your Small Group is only a click away!

Check out all the current 2025 groups. If you don't find one that suits you at this time, please check back later in the semester for new listings.

New Life Small Groups

We weren’t created to do life alone. God created us with an inherent need for community. As a church, we are committed to seeing people connected to their God-given purpose.

Our vision for this ministry is that every person would find a source of relationship and discipleship as they learn and grow in their relationship with Jesus.

If you are interested in leading or joining a small group, please email [email protected] to get updated information on meetings, trainings, and more from our Small Groups Coordinator, Jenny Elloy.

Small Groups FAQ

Got questions about how small groups work? We've compiled some of the most common questions and answers below.

What happens in a Small Group?

Community happens. In a small group, you will catch up on life together, read and study God’s word, eat
delicious snacks, pray for each other, and create fun memories together.

When and Where do Small Groups meet?

Small Groups can happen any day of the week at whatever time the group leaders and members decide
is most convenient. Church rooms are available for a central meeting place. Please reach out to our
Small Group Coordinator at [email protected] to book space.

How long are Small Groups together?

Some groups are together for only 1 semester Aug-Dec or Jan-May, but other groups continue to meet
much longer. It is up to your group members and leaders.

Do Small Groups take breaks?

Many groups will develop their own rhythm and schedule over the time they are meeting. Groups may
decide to meet due to the make-up of the group. Semester breaks are created to allow new members to
enter and change groups in the Fall (August) and Winter (January).

Are children welcome to join Small Group meetings?

That’s up to your small group! We have seen small groups pull money together to hire a babysitter for
an evening or rotate parents to watch the kids in another room depending on the kids’ ages. We think
your kids can really benefit from watching their parents invest in a healthy community of people. New
Life Church does have a list of preferred babysitters. We are happy to share these with your group to
help make meeting easier.

How do I sign-up for a Small Group?

Small groups will open for sign ups in the coming weeks. Be sure to check back for details.